sábado, 28 de marzo de 2020




1.What is the title of the film?


 2. Who is the director?

 Chris Robinson.

 3. Who is the screenwriter?

 Miles Orion Feldsott.Chris Robinson.

 4.Where does the action take place?
 Beats is an American movie (U.S)
 5. When does the action take place? (past, present, future)
 The movie is in the past.
 6. Which genre is the film? (horror, comedy, animated, drama, adventure, science fiction)
The movie is drama and coming-of-age.


7. Who are the main characters?
 Khalil Everage Anthony Anderson Uzo Aduva Emayatzy Corinealdi Ashley Jackson Megan Sousa Paul Walter Hauser Dave East Ariana Burks Julian Williams

 8. Describe two characters in the film. (physical description, psychological description, age, nationality social/personal background)

 Khalil Solomon Everage was born on January 6, 2001 to Dina McReynolds-Everage and Khaldun Everage. Khalil and his sister, Khylah Imani Everage, were raised in Chicago, Illinois. Khalil is a recent graduate of the Chicago High School for the Arts. His sister attended the Lindblom Math and Science Academy and is now a student at Howard University. Anthony Alexandre Anderson (n. 15 de agosto de 1970) es un actor, comediante y escritor estadounidense.


Write 4 words from the film and... 9.
 Write a definition in English music:
Un musical es una forma de arte escénico en el que la acción se desenvuelve con secciones cantadas y/o bailadas.

 octubre :October is the tenth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar and has 31 days.

 window:A window is an architectural element that is located in a vain or hole high above the ground, which opens into a wall in order to provide light and ventilation to the corresponding room.

 industry:Industry is the activity that aims to transform raw materials into finished or semi-finished products using an energy source

10. Translate them into Catalan música:

 Un musical no és una forma d’art escènic en l’acció que es desenrotlla amb seccions cantades i / o baillades

. octubre: l’octubre és el desè mes de l’any al calendari gregorià i té 31 dies.

 finestra: Una finestra és un element arquitectònic que es troba en un va o un forat alt sobre el terra, que s’obre a una paret per tal de proporcionar llum i ventilació a la sala corresponent. indústria:

 la indústria: és l’activitat que té com a objectiu transformar les matèries primeres en productes acabats o semielaborats mitjançant una font d’energia

 11. Write one sentence with each word

 It is a machine to produce music
 August has not come to class since October
 You will conquer it by the window or you will open with it
 I go back to the industry